The United Corporation of America's Media Enterprise Revealed!
This may be hard for you to hear but *breathes* The Wizard of Oz is straight up white supremacy. I know, I know its hard to believe but let me try to convince you. The Wizard of Oz is an “American Classic” meaning it greatly emphasized the values of a white supremacist and colonial state. Don’t believe me? Think about it. The foundation of the United Corporation of America was placed on the graves of one race (Natives) and the backs of another (Black Slaves).
In this article, I will briefly—but thoroughly, analyze the subliminal messaging of this movie so that people of all races, especially the white working class, fighting in the Resistance may “wake up” from the sunken place and move closer towards liberation. As such, my analysis is based on Race-Theory and my personal goal is for you to never admire this cult classic again (sorry, you can’t have nice things on stolen land). And before you ask, YES WICKED IS WHITE SUPREMACY TOO! Its entire goal is for you to empathize with the White Witch Glinda (who will be revealed later in this post) and believe it was a choice for the Black Witch to be dissolved (yeah... no...). As a consolation for hurting your feelings, I have provided memes to make my point! Let’s begin...
The backdrop of Oz (the capitalist state) is a city in which the native people have been colonized by two cis whites who maintain and control all of its power. Oz is an insidious design of a white supremacist state controlled by a rich old cis-white man (wizard) and woman named Glinda (Witch of the North) who have convinced an entire population to remain blinded by greed (hence the name Emerald City). The white moderate (Dorthy), albeit unconsciously and of no personal desire of her own, ends up participating in a system that kills a womxn of color, the Witch of the East (Asia), for absolutely no reason. Likewise, the North gets to her first and in a state of (culture) shock, the white moderate attempts to appease her guilt, and believes the North who calls herself “good."
(No one is fucking laughing anymore Glinda)
Its important to recognize that the “good witch’s” direction points to the European continent. The North's primary motivation is power and wants to see the eradication of any and all oppositional forces, including the capitalist, but namely Black Liberation in the modern context.
Dorthy literally tells the North she has never seen a good witch before, yet takes no convincing to believe the white supremacist. Why? Because the Witch of the West is a "colored" person and Santeria is scarier than Wicca to a white.
To be fair, America has changed its definition of whiteness greatly over the years. Honestly, I believe the Witch of the West was originally symbolic for a Jew, however, white Jews have greatly enhanced and convinced the USA through Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land and deportation of Black Jews that they deserve to be considered honorary whites. This makes sense considering the original Jews descended from African (Middle Eastern) land and would find great allies within the continent. Hold up. Wait. Can we just say a big FUCK YOU to Hollywood for making black people literal monkeys in this movie? (you can’t make this shit up).
So, for our purposes, the Witch of the West will be considered Pan-Africa including Latin America since white Jews are considered white in their treatment of indigenous black and brown people.
The North literally tells the West that she has no power in the city but somehow she is more powerful than the East (Asia). The Witch of the South (indigenous land) is no where to be seen but the white moderate doesn’t seem to notice or care to recognize this pattern. The North plays tricks on the West (a dig on the supposed “stupidity” of brown people) and the West remembers that the East had powerful slippers (means of production) that can be utilized to seek justice for her fallen sister (comrade). Who’d of thought your iPhone would be good for something right?
Let me remind you that the white moderate could have easily given reparations back to the womxn of color (ruby slippers) for killing her sister but chooses not too out of fear and ignorance! Side note for you white moderates out there: NO the West could not have asked nicely. The Moderate KILLED HER SISTER. The West’s emotional response is more than justified, however, it scares the moderate back into the hands of the white Supremacist.
The moderate’s main priority is not to seek justice or forgiveness, but rather escape from the punishment of her misdeeds. As such, she directly collaborates with the status quo and promotes the goals of white supremacy through her ignorance and neglect! For example, she later tells the coward of a lion: “It’s bad enough to pick on the strawman [farmer] but when you pick on a dog...” to indicate her white veganism. Yes Dorthy, we know you can excuse racism but not animal cruelty.
(No fruit from the tree of knowledge for you basic Becky...smh)
Moving on...The white moderate is convinced to follow the capitalist system (yellow brick road) so she may gain impunity for her actions by harnessing the power of the capitalist class. The capitalist (Wizard) of course, wants nothing more than the illusion of control over the people of Oz. He’s kind of a mixture between Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates (gross right?). The capitalist is keenly aware of his role in the capitalist state. He partners with the white supremacist (for political science nerds think of the transition from feudalism to capitalism) and knows why the white moderate has come see him. He demands the destruction of the black liberatory forces seeking to control the means of production within Oz. If the Wizard is Zuckerburg we can consider the West’s forces to be “Black Lives Matter.” Before this though, the white supremacist encourages the white moderate to find and collaborate with the white working class (WWC) consisting of the farmer (scarecrow), the worker (tin man), and the militant (lion) who are placed along the capitalist system.
(Because the desire to attain gold hasn’t led to problems in the past already)
Don't forget that the capitalist (wizard) is a straight up phony who profits off of the backs of the munchkin working class. However, even when this creep is revealed to be nothing more than an mediocre mayosapien, the WWC (consisting of Dorthy, the Scarecrow, the Tin-Man, and the Lion) doesn’t care! They benefit directly from the capitalist system and participate in the hopes of gaining control of a colonized land, entrepreneurship (control over the means of their desired production), aesthetic pleasure (leisurely activities), and executive power (the police and military industrial complex as a whole) respectively.
Of course even after the WWC kill yet another womxn of color and dissolve the movement for black lives (liberation), the capitalist does not benefit the white working class in any tangible or meaningful way; he keeps the means of production for himself! Instead of giving material conditions to the WWC as promised, he convinces them that they had the tools to uplift themselves all along and it just needed to be recognized. He awards a fake degree, heart and medal to the cis-male working class and even calls the brain a “commodity.” Likewise, he mentions he came from Kansas himself to build solid trust with the white moderate. Such a good capitalist (sarcasm).
With the white working class given their appreciation stickers, the capitalist, being revealed and losing the illusion of power, decides to leave with Dorthy the Brave. Probably to Hong Kong or something...
The white moderate however, remains behind in fear of losing her little dog and neglects the mass of illusioned workers around them (white vegans amiright?). The capitalist is then literally left alone with his own devices, unaware of how to work the levers. The last and remaining witch—the North, finally in control over all of Oz, now has a serious problem: The white moderate knows too much. They’ve seen the internet and watch one too many cat videos.
As such, the white supremacist uses her power to convince the white moderate that the capitalist system never existed in the first place! The white moderate willingly descends into a sunken place that makes her believe she is back “home” (code word for colonized land) when the reality is the white moderate was in a capitalist system the entire time! (Its almost as if we can hear chants of “USA! USA! USA!” In the background.)
(This wand was the original spoon and tea as seen in the movie Get Out)
So there you have it folx. One of America’s greatest classics, reveled through the lens of Race Theory, to be nothing more than capitalist propaganda. Now that you know the truth, what will you do? Will you click your heels three times or will you fight for an equitable future? Do you even question what the Witch of the East did to deserve a house falling on her, or are you simply listening to the white witch’s lies of “good and evil?” Me personally, I choose to wake up from the sunken place but lets be real... Like the Witch of the West, I—a black trans disabled person has no real power in a capitalist system.
The United Corporations of America was much less covert about its intentions 100 years ago compared to now, however, its intentions remain the same: The consolidation of power and the eradication of liberatory movements around the world.
The same narrative continues today and will continue to do so until the white working class (as a whole) rejects the capitalist system and begins to dismantle its illusion of power in favor of equity with the black and brown working class. I leave this knowledge in your hands *camera flashes in your eyes* The choice to wake up is now yours. Choose wisely.